A conglomeration and summary of the business acumen and wisdom of ‘Mr. Kaufman’!

Mr. Kaufman Says:


Mr. Kaufman says:

“We specialize in the greatest
American ‘brand name’ of them all–
U.S. Government Surplus!”

“The quality of genuine U.S. Government Surplus
clothing and equipment is the best there is– whatever it is!

That’s because everything is designed and manufactured
to the highest standards using the finest fabrics and materials.

Stop by and compare the difference for yourself!”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

"Many of America’s leading
Costume Designers, Props People and Set Decorators
shop with us- and you can too!"

"Theatre, Film and Television Professionals
know just about every store and every resource
for every item there is all around the United States.
It’s their business to know- and many of them rely on
Kaufman’s to supply or specially order hard-to-find military items.
Their time like yours is valuable and they don’t have any time to waste.
They like to shop where they know they can find what they’re looking for.
Many of them don’t even live in New York City-
but YOU DO, so you’re invited to stop by for a visit!”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

“If you’re looking for some gigantic military surplus store
with tons of junk to rummage through,
you won’t find it here.”

“But you will find a terrific selection
of genuine military surplus from around the world!

Besides, we don’t buy junk,
so we don’t have any junk to sell.”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

“All things that look the same are not always the same!”

“Many other Army & Navy stores and sites online
often sell cheaper quality merchandise compared to ours!

The quality of everything we sell is always Tops
and our prices are competitive!”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

“No business anywhere can operate successfully for 75 years
as we have without treating their customers right!”

“It’s just so true.”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

"‘You can’t judge a book by its cover’— and
‘You can’t judge a military surplus store by its size!’"

"Don’t let the small size of our store fool you!

Kaufman’s is a leading supplier of military uniforms
to Broadway* and to theatres all across America!

Military Surplus isn’t just a side-line here-
‘It’s our bread and butter’
and nobody knows it better than we do!"

*Please click here to view Kaufman’s 60 Year Record of Involvement
supplying Broadway, Television, Hollywood and Special Events


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

“Our 42nd Street store is definitely one of those
‘Buy it when you see it, ’cause when you want it,
you won’t find it!‘ type of places!”

"We offer many ‘One-of-a-Kind’ and ‘Hard-to-Find’ military items.
Stop by often for the best selection.”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

“Not all treasures are buried!”

“Stop inside and see for yourself why our store is a
treasure trove for military collectors and enthusiasts!”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

"If you’re expecting some humongous Army & Navy store
with an indoor cappuccino bar, you may be a tad disappointed."


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

“There are only three things on West 42nd Street
that look much the same way they did over 60 years ago:
the Church of the Holy Cross just down the street,
the National Landmark McGraw-Hill Building across the street
and our own two U.S. Army circa 1898
Hotchkiss mountain cannons facing the street!”

“Ever since 1950, these same two cannons have flanked
the entrance to our store every single day!

Amazingly, over four generations later
they’re only beginning to show any sign of wear!

That’s Government Issue for you!"


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

“Renting from us can save you a bundle!”

“Whether you’re an actor in a show,
a student filming a movie or a reveler at Halloween,
our store is full of 100’s of Hard-to-Find items.
A large selection of our used uniforms can be rented.

Please ask about our ‘Half-Price Rental Option’.”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

“In a world where, ‘What you see is what you get’
at Kaufman’s, ‘What you see in our store is
nothing compared to what you can get!'”

“Over the last 60 years, we’ve supplied hundreds
of theatrical productions with specially ordered items.

Please stop in or email us with your
specific requirements so that we can discuss them.”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman says:

“One reason our military surplus store
is so popular is because we sell
genuine military surplus!”

“At Kaufman’s, genuine military surplus
from around the world is our specialty.”


White Star


Mr. Kaufman ponders and answers his own question:

Why do so many of America’s leading Costume Designers
from the Theatre, Television and Hollywood
rely on and shop with us so often?”

“The answer is pretty simple actually…

We’ve got the goods!
We’ve got the selection!
We’ve got the ‘know-how’!
We’ve got the location!
We’re easy to work with!
…and we’ve got me!

I’m ‘Mr. Kaufman’, and I’m your host!”


White Star



How can we help you?

CONTACT US! Phone: 212•757•5670 eMail for more information info@ksinyc.com info@kaufmansarmynavy.com

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